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색칠 도안 - 어른이 (adult)

Squirrel coloring pages for adults / 어른을 위한 다람쥐 색칠 도안

by 하루살이은혜 2023. 4. 21.


Today we're going to learn about squirrels, and we've got some squirrel coloring pages for you to enjoy. While coloring these squirrels with your child, you can talk about their favorite foods, their appearance, and their habits.


Think about squirrel habits as you color!

Squirrels love to eat nuts, such as acorns and chestnuts, and they are also known to hibernate. They live in trees and are often fast on the ground, but slow in high places. These characteristics make it one of the easiest animals for people to observe and familiarize themselves with. However, in recent years, its population has been declining due to the destruction of its habitat due to urbanization, and it is endangered due to reckless development and environmental pollution. Therefore, it is an animal that we should all care about.


An intricate coloring book design with two squirrels sitting across from each other.
다람쥐 색칠 공부 도안

*원본 다운로드(Download)



What a squirrel looks like

Squirrels have a body length of 15 to 16 centimeters, a tail length of 10 to 13 centimeters, and weigh 80 to 120 grams. Their ears are short and small, with black fur under their eyes, and their tails are very long, although not as long as a blue jay's. The legs are short, with a developed crust between the front legs. The feet have five toes, and the claws are sharp.


A lone squirrel is sitting. A slightly challenging squirrel coloring page.
다람쥐 색칠 공부 도안

*원본 다운로드(Download)


For an easy squirrel coloring page for kids, click on the picture below.

어린이를 위한 쉬운 다람쥐 색칠 도안을 원하시면 클릭하세요.

Males are larger than females and are darker in color. They are white on the belly and have a light brown pattern on their flanks, chest, and tail tip. This pattern becomes more pronounced with age. Its face is white with black cheeks. It has whiskers around its mouth, but they are very short and barely visible.


Two squirrels are sitting on an acorn, facing each other. An intricate coloring design.
다람쥐 색칠 공부 도안

*원본 다운로드(Download)


Ecology of squirrels

Squirrels are only active during the day, sleeping near their nests from dusk onward. The breeding season is around early February, and they give birth to about five young per litter. They reach maturity at one year of age, and their lifespan is about 10 years. They build their nests by collecting dry leaves and branches in burrows or rock crevices. The nest is made of stacked branches, and the entrance is connected to a fecal passage.


A squirrel is sitting with an acorn in his hand. An intricate coloring design.
다람쥐 색칠 공부 도안




*원본 다운로드(Download)



Squirrels store or hide food, especially acorns, which are their winter food, and bury them in the ground. They eat insects (beetles - cicadas - butterflies) - spiders - earthworms - centipedes - snails - bird eggs - berries. Since they are rodents, their diet is similar to that of mice.


Two squirrels are sitting cuddled up together.
다람쥐 색칠 공부 도안

*원본 다운로드(Download)



Natural enemies

Finally, let's talk about the natural enemies of squirrels. The main natural enemy is a mammal from the weasel family called the marten. Larger than the Korean tiger, the marten is the top predator after the tiger, so you have to be careful. Other predators include badgers, badgers, raccoons, and wild boars. I'll have to try coloring a boar or raccoon next time ^^.



A male and female squirrel are cuddling up. Intricate coloring pages.
복잡한 다람쥐 색칠 공부 도안

*원본 다운로드(Download)

I hope you find peace of mind while coloring and have a great time connecting with your kids!

For an easy squirrel coloring page for kids, click on the picture below.

어린이를 위한 쉬운 다람쥐 색칠 도안을 원하시면 클릭하세요.
